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May 13, 2024





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Report on Interpersonal Communication Skill Improvement Plan Results and Future Plans Report on Interpersonal Communication Skill Improvement Plan Results and Future Plans Cortney Knight COM200: Interpersonal Communication Instructor: Kyle Ferguson 04/08/2024
Report on Interpersonal Communication Skill Improvement Plan Results and Future Plans Interpersonal Communication Skill Improvement Goal My goal throughout this Interpersonal Communication Skill Improvement Plan has been to enhance my active listening skill as well as to reduce my anxiety when it comes to recording myself on video as well as just speaking to others in general. By boosting my ability to truly engage with others, I sought to create a more understanding and inclusive communication environment beneficial to building meaningful relationships and resolving conflicts. Through this focus on active listening, I aimed to gain a deeper sense of empathy, validation, and mutual respect in my interactions, ultimately striving to contribute positively to both my personal and professional spheres where I was lacking before. Over the course of Weeks 2, 3, and 4, I took various steps to improve my active listening skills. One approach I adopted was engaging in daily mindfulness exercises to develop presence as well as my attentiveness during conversations with others like my family as well as my son’s doctors. Through journaling I did on my phone, I documented my reflections on each interaction, identifying areas for improvement and celebrating small victories. Another initiative I embraced was seeking feedback from peers and mentors. By actively seeking feedback on my communication style, I acquired valuable insights into how others perceive my listening skills. This feedback loop allowed me to pinpoint specific areas for growth and adjust my approach accordingly. My husband also helped me as well when it came to the way I was speaking and changing words that I would normally use in conversation to proper words that overall sounded better. As I reflect on my journey of growth, I have encountered both victories and many obstacles. On the bright side, I've noticed a significant improvement in my ability to pick up on verbal and nonverbal cues during conversations, something I struggled with in the past. This newfound awareness has enhanced my interaction, creating deeper connections with those around me. Yet, I still grapple with moments of anxiety, especially when faced with daunting tasks like public speaking or recording videos, such as the
Report on Interpersonal Communication Skill Improvement Plan Results and Future Plans Week 5 discussion video. Despite my efforts to manage this anxiety, it remains a persistent challenge, occasionally holding me back in communication. Nevertheless, I'm determined to face this challenge head-on, fueled by resilience and unwavering resolve. As I move forward, I'm genuinely excited to keep honing my active listening skills, extending well beyond the boundaries of this class. My approach involves immersing myself in regular practice sessions and actively seeking advice and support from mentors. I deeply grasp the wider significance of enhancing my interpersonal communication abilities. Improved active listening doesn't just enrich relationships; it's also a catalyst for resolving conflicts and nurturing collaboration in both my personal and professional life. By committing myself wholeheartedly to continuous growth in this realm, I aim to bring about positive changes across different facets of my life. To recognize the importance of active listening in my daily life, I am committed to integrating it into my daily routines and interactions. My approach includes adopting methods like active listening exercises and rephrasing techniques into my communication habits which I have been doing thus far with my husband and it has helped improve my speaking skills slightly already. By adding these routines into my daily interactions, my goal is to solidify active listening as a foundational skill that improves both my personal and professional relationships. Additionally, I'm keen to expand my communication toolkit beyond active listening alone. I aspire to explore complementary techniques such as empathy, assertiveness, and nonverbal communication. These skills, when combined with active listening, form a comprehensive framework for effective interpersonal interaction. My goal is to develop a set of communication abilities, enabling me to navigate diverse situations with confidence and grace unlike how I struggle now to speak. I deeply value the practice of self-reflection and self-awareness in my journey of growth, I am very aware that I always have room for improvement in all aspects of my life. Moving forward, I am committed to engaging in regular self- assessment and introspection, which I think will help hold me accountable. Through this ongoing process of self-discovery, I aim to gain deeper insights into my communication style and evolve as a more
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