Week 6 Discussion Forum



Miami Dade College, Miami *

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May 15, 2024





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Week 6 Discussion Forum 39 39 unread replies. 39 39 replies. For this week's discussion, view the Week 6 Resources and choose one of the websites to visit and explore. Choose a subject/topic that you find most interesting. Provide a link to the website (in the reference) and the source citation in your post. Address all of the following: Why did you select this resource/site? Why do you find the subject/topic interesting? What is the one thing you want others to know about this subject/topic that is found on the website? What information had the greatest impact on you? Explain. In your peer replies, discuss other related topics and offer new resources. Support your answer with evidence from scholarly sources (reference and cite your sources). Hello class, Therapy Dogs International https://www.tdi-dog.org/Default.aspx Therapy Dogs International (TDI) is a nonprofit organization that was established in 1976 by volunteers in New Jersey with the goal of regulating, assessing, and registering therapy dogs and their volunteer handlers for use in nursing homes, hospitals, other institutions, and other settings where therapy dogs are necessary (Therapy Dogs International, n.d.). When people engage with these dogs in a therapeutic process, they help to improve their well-being. According to Rodriguez et al. (2021), these dogs can be taught as service animals to help people with impairments, disabilities, or long-term medical issues. Why did you select this resource/site? Why do you find the subject/topic interesting? I chose this website mostly because I love dogs in general. I have the utmost regard for the volunteers who train therapy dogs. Volunteering with animals has always piqued my attention, and therapy dogs have the power to elevate mood, lower everyday anxiety, and soothe emotional reactivity. What is the one thing you want others to know about this subject/topic that is found on the website? It was said on the website that therapy and assistance dogs were used to console victims of the 1995 Oklahoma City Murrah Federal Building bombing, and that is the one thing I would like other people to know about Therapy Dogs International. For many impacted by the 9/11 tragedy, therapy dogs also offered consolation and
healing. This website demonstrated the value of therapy dogs in disaster relief efforts. Other calamities, including hurricanes, earthquakes, and the aftermath of mass shootings, have also seen the use of therapy dogs to provide comfort to victims. Regardless of their label as therapy, service, emotional support, or assistance dogs, research indicates that those who engage with them experience favorable consequences in terms of their mental, social, physical, and overall well- being (Rodriguez et al., 2021). What information had the greatest impact on you? The commitment of Therapy Dogs International to enhancing people's lives via the use of therapy dogs was the most influential thing I learned about them. Therapy dogs are able to provide assistance to individuals who are grieving. Their constant presence is beneficial to family members, and caressing the dog's fur has a soothing and perhaps comforting effect. Family members have the opportunity to become acquainted with a therapy dog team when they visit a patient who is nearing the end of their life. To offer additional assistance, families may request that the Dog/Handler team come to the funeral home. Even if the situation may be delicate, the "final visit" may be among the most memorable for the family members and the Therapy Dog team. References: Rodriguez, K. E., Greer, J., Yatcilla, J. K., Beck, A. M., and O’Haire, M. E. (2021) The effects of assistance dogs on psychosocial health and wellbeing: A systematic literature review. PLOS ONE 16(8): e0256071. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0256071 Therapy Dogs International. (n.d.). About TDI. https://www.tdi-dog.org/About.asp Thank you for your insightful post on Therapy Dogs International's website. I couldn't agree more about the invaluable benefits therapy dogs bring to individuals in need. Your mention of the certification process sheds light on the rigorous training these dogs undergo to provide comfort and support to those in various settings. In addition to the benefits of therapy dogs, it's important to consider the impact of animal-assisted interventions on various populations, such as children with autism or veterans with PTSD. Looking into this field's most recent study might yield insightful information. For more reading, look through the information provided by the American Humane Association on animal-assisted therapy (American Humane, n.d.). American Humane offers a wide range of resources and information on animal-assisted therapy and the welfare of therapy animals. American Humane. (n.d.). American Humane First to Serve . American Humane. https://www.americanhumane.org/ .
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