
Benefits Of A Competitive Advantage Essay

Decent Essays

A competitive advantage is what differentiate you from the competitors in the eyes of your customers. Whether you are an employee, a business or a country, you need to have an adequate competitive advantage and deliver it to your customers. Before you can set your competitive advantage, you had to find out these three imperatives(Aaker, D. 1989):

- your final product. Whether it 's a commodity or service, you 've got to be very apparent on what you are producing. New technology can ameliorate that for you, so you 've got to be persistently aware about how emerging trends can affect the benefits you deliver.
- Targeted market. Who are your potential customers? You must identify precisely who buys from you, and how you can satisfy them. This leads to demand augmentation, whereby it is the impetus of the economic growth. - Competitors. This is not only other companies that produce similar products, but also anything else your customer can do to satisfy their needs.

Once you clarified these three imperatives, then you can concord what benefit you can deliver better than your competitors to your targeted market. Emphasize that message in every contact with your customers, including advertising, public relations, and even your outlets and employees. If you are the employee, treat yourself as it is your own business. Make sure your competitive advantage is manifested in your appearance, your attitude, and in how your interact.

A company must set lucid goals, strategies, and

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