
Conflict In Stephen King's 'The Monkey Paw'

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How can people best respond to conflicts is a question commonly asked by people going through a difficult situation without any knowledge of how to respond properly to a certain conflict. The reality is: there is no solid answer to this question. It all depends on what your conflict is, and of course in what position you are. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a conflict is an active disagreement, as between opposing opinions or needs[1], and according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary the definition of conflict is: a struggle for power[2] , so without a doubt, what people want as a result in a conflict is to have power over the problem, to have control. To be able to have control over a situation, first you need to have control over yourself. We can use as an example Stephen King´s novel Cujo written in 1981. In the book, Donna Trenton´s four year-old son dies and the reason for that is because Donna wasn´t able to grasp control of the situation. Her desperation didn´t allow her to think clearly and she never actually stopped and tried to figure out a solid plan, she just did everything as she went along. If Donna had been able to have control over herself and stop her desperation from clouding her mind, she might have been able to …show more content…

White makes a wish he thought would be innocent and would benefit the family without listening to what Sargeant-Major Morris warned him about the deadly monkey´s paw. Later after he makes the wish, he finds out the monkey´s paw indeed worked, and the thing he wished for costed the life of his beloved son. Mr. And Ms. White, terrifies of the monkey´s paw, decide not to try it ever again. But Ms. White, inconsolable with her only child´s death, decides to take a risk and wish for her son to come back to life. Later at night, someone knocks harshly on the door and Mr. White, full of terror, uses the very last wish to disappear whatever was outside the door

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