
Critical Evaluation of the Strategy of Nando's

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CRITICAL EVALUATION OF THE STRATEGIC CHOICES OF NANDO’S TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 3 2 MODELS OF STRATEGY 4 1. Porter's Generic Strategies 4 2. Mintzberg's 5 P's of Strategy 5 3 OVERVIEW OF STRATEGIC DECISIONS 7 4 CONCLUSION 8 INTRODUCTION “Decisions, whether explicitly or implicitly arrived at, precede every action.” Ansoff 1965 Our choices or decisions precedes everything, from day to day operations to the direction we steer our organisations in. According to Mintzberg and Walters strategy is “a pattern in a stream of decisions”. Strategy can be planned or deliberate but also emerge as we go along and adapt to internal and external influences. In this study we will evaluate …show more content…

From the struggling 3 or 4 restaurants Nando's has developed in the UK to more than 100 franchisee. Ploy ← As plan, a strategy can be a ploy too, really just a specific manoeuvre intended to outwit an opponent or competitor. ■ Nando's has found a niche. It has been able to find weakness in the competitors' strategy and exploit it. Their ploy has been to not take competitors on directly. Pattern ← Strategy is a pattern - specifically, a pattern in a stream of actions. Strategy is consistency in behaviour, whether or not intended. Where plans may go unrealised, patterns may appear without preconception. ■ Nando's have deliberate strategies, their intention has always been to establish the Nando's culture wherever they go. This is one pattern that has formed worldwide and has realised. There are however some emergent strategies as well. Nando's could not foresee that the model that was so successful in South Africa will not work in the United Kingdom. The emergent strategy for the United Kingdom to cater for sit-down customers is a very good example of an emergent strategy. Position ← Strategy is a position - a means of locating an organisation in an "environment". ■ Nando's has positioned itself as the best not necessarily the biggest. ■ Position strategy tries to find a "match" between organisation

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