
Farenheit 451 and Today's Society, an Analogy

Decent Essays

Dorothea Brande said, “There are seeds of self-destruction in all of us that will bear only unhappiness if allowed to grow.” Today’s society is mainly focused on technology, in being approved by others, and other things that without doubt lead it to destruction and failure. Most people in our society think of themselves as happy, yet it is the complete opposite. Humans these days are simply miserable and torn between work, technology and many other things that separate them from true happiness. Too much technology has consumed people’s brains and most of the times makes them lose the capability to think for themselves, communicate with others and it also leads to laziness. The lack of family relationship and communication has ruined most families and has redefined the traditions and the meaning of a family. Too much conformity has redefined what is acceptable for people to do and not do just to be accepted. Just like the society in Fahrenheit 451, today’s society is equally self-destructive. Exactly like the novel, our society has focused too much on technology. Technology has affected the way our society is educated and learns. In school most children do not take time to think for themselves when it come to things such as reading and understanding concepts. The students know that with a click of a bottom they can get the answers to anything. They learn less and less each time and depend more and more on technology and the internet to be able to succeed in life and in

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