
How Does Swift Use Pathos In A Modest Proposal

Decent Essays

Rhetorical Analysis How desperate does a person have to be to resort to eating their own children? This is the way it was for the people of Ireland in 1729. Jonathan swift created ‘A Modest Proposal’, an essay written for the poor and the young. Ireland was going through financial depression during the time, and things were only getting worse as government officials did nothing to help the cause. But the real reason why Swift’s proposal was so effective was because of how it appealed to people’s Ethos with their sense of credibility, their Pathos with their emotions for the topic and Logos to appeal to the people’s logical reasoning. Firstly, Swift uses Ethos very strategically throughout his essay. Throughout the text there are multiple sources of credibility used. Swift explains, with source of …show more content…

Secondly, the author uses Pathos to jar the reader’s emotion. The entire piece has numerous examples of emotional persuasion. Jonathan Swift talks of the benefits of child cannibalism: “I believe no gentleman would repine to give then shillings for the carcass of a good fat child; which as I have said, will make four dishes of excellent nutritive meat, when he hath only some particular friend or his own family to dine with him.” (Swift, 14) This instance is so emotionally charged, but to the average reader these lines of text would be so repulsive and absurd. This is another one of Swift’s strategies, you’re so drawn into the ridiculous claims that the reader is drawn to keeping reading until you get to Swift’s actual

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