
Global Problems And The Culture Of Capitalism By Richard Robbins

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Richard Robbins explores and analyzes the creation and the upkeep of hunger in his book “Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism. Each day, over a billion people in the world lack basic food needs. Common misunderstandings about world hunger are that it is the result of insufficient food production, famine is the common reason for hunger and that hunger is caused by overpopulation. Robbins argues against that theory and says that famines is not the leading cause of hunger and hunger is not due to overpopulation or insufficient food production. “Food production is not determined by the global need for food; it is determined on how many people have the means for it” (page 176). The documentary “The End of Poverty” reinforces Robbins belief that food is a commodity. A common misconception is that hunger is caused by a scarcity of food. People are hungry because they don’t have the money for food, not because there is a lack of it. Food is a commodity. Robbins explains that the availability of food no longer depends on the farmer’s ability to produce it but also on people’s wages, food prices and a place for …show more content…

The film gives out statistics and personal experiences/interviews showing how deep poverty is on a global scale. 800 Million people suffer from malnutrition, and a third of the word doesn’t have access to water. The documentary examines the question “in a world with so much wealth why is there so much poverty?” Colonialism has been described and developed throughout history in many different forms. Colonialism is a policy by which a nation maintains or extends its control over foreign dependencies. The imperial powers stole from the indigenous people land, their resources, killed their people and imported millions of slaves. Colonialism created economies that were under the power of the

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