
School Core Competencies

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Introduction The core competencies that the schools have implemented have been developed by the central office, by the school themselves and by teachers within the school. I will be identifying three core competencies that I have worked with in the past year and evaluate their relevance in the school setting. I will also be looking at how the rest the school uses these competencies, along with ways that we might be able to improve upon them.
Core Competencies of the School There are many core competencies that have been identified, developed and put into place in my school. There are different levels that could develop the competency, all of them are important when looking at the mission of the school. The mission for South High is to provide …show more content…

The students that participate with the link crew must be nominated by a staff member based on the work ethic and level of responsibility that the student exhibits. Nominations are taken at the end of the year for the following years groups. Teachers nominate those students that they believe demonstrate the vision and mission of the school in everyday life. The school does an adequate job of finding and developing these students. The job of the link crew is to establish a partnership between the school and the community. The link crew will voluntary at events in the community, help with transitioning the 9th grade students to the high school setting and mentor 9th students who might be struggling with the transition from middle …show more content…

I believe that determining how the competency is going to improve the school is the most important part in the design. If the competency is not going to improve the school, then it must be changed so it does improve an aspect of the school. Then the school needs to look at what students will be affected by the new initiative. Since the students are the driving force of the school, their level of success drives the direction of the school. The school needs to ensure that the competency will help the students to meet the mission and vision of the school. Finally, which educator is going to take the lead and roll out the new competency, working with and leading the faculty and students so they may succeed with this new competency. There are many steps and it is a long process to develop a new competency and implement it in the school

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