
The Quality And Safety Education For Nurses Essay

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Summary Explanation & In-Depth Description Believe it or not, nurses can be lazy. This is especially true towards the end of a 12-hour shift after working three days in a row. Critical pieces of information about hospitalized patients can be lost in the realm of communication due to one thing: a poor hand-off report. Quality handoff report enables nurses to recognize changes in patient status and anticipate risks thus ensuring patient safety. When a shift-change occurs, the seamless transfer of knowledge relevant to each patient must be accurate and complete. The Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) movement was initiated in 2005 as a response to summons for improved quality and safety in nursing practice. Nursing leaders joined forces to create consistent competencies to integrate into nursing education with the goal to prepare future nurses to develop the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes focused on quality and safety. The QSEN initiative has flourished in the realm of healthcare and become a national resource for nursing educators and transformed into a framework of competency for all nurses. Based on the Institute of Medicine’s competencies (2003), the QSEN faculty and National Advisory Board designed six specific competency categories including patient-centered care, teamwork and collaboration, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, safety, and informatics. As a major contribution to healthcare practices, these statements serve as a

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